Canoeing Pictures of Alaskan Malamutes

One activity that does not offer our dogs a lot of physical exercise is canoeing. However, the mental activity it provides with them is something you just can’t find in the city. They love canoeing and the slow and relaxing nature of it; the ever-changing scenery, the wildlife they hear and smell and, if you observe them, they’ll tell you what’s happening on the shore otherwise unknown to you.

Winter is coming to Spatzizi country

Winter is coming to Spatzizi country

Down the Nation River

Down the Nation River

Travelling in the jetboat is cool too

Travelling in the jetboat is cool too

Azure Lake

Azure Lake

Malamute Ferry

Malamute Ferry

TClamming on Haida Gwaii

Clamming on Haida Gwaii

Nightfall on Quesnel Lake

Nightfall on Quesnel Lake

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